1. Avetisian V.A. Goethe and the challenge of the world literature. - Saratov: Saratov University press, 1988. - 173 p.

  2. Alexeev M.P. Pushkin and the world literature. - L., 1987. - 613 p.: ill.

  3. Venevitinov M.A. Germans on Pushkin in 1899. - SPb.: "Obshchestvennaia pol'za" partnership printing press, 1900. - 72 p.

  4. Vilmont N.N. Goethe: His life and art. - M.: Goslitizdat, 1959. - 335 p.

  5. Gessen A.I. Anything went to stir the young mind … Pushkin among his books and friends. - M.: Nauka, 1965. - 220 p.

  6. Goethe Readings 1991/ Ed. By S.V.Turaev. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 262 p.

  7. Goethe Readings 1993/ Ed. By S.V.Turaev. - M.: Nauka, 1994. - 220 p.

  8. Zhirmunski V.M. Goethe in Russian literature. - L., 1937. - 674 p.

  9. Levitt M.Ch. Literature and politics: Pushkin Celebrations 1880/ trns. from Eng. by I.N.Vladimirov, V.D.Rak. - SPb: Acad. Project, 1994. - 265 p. (Sovrem. zap. Rusistika).

  10. Lesskis G.A. The Pushkin trend in Russian literature. - M.: Khudozh. Lit., 1993. - 526 p.

  11. Lewis J.G. The Life of Wolfgang Goethe. [Pt 1]/ trns. from 2nd Eng. ed., ed. by A.N.Nevedomski. - Spb: Tiblen & Co. Printing press, 1867. - XVIII, 345 p.

  12. Nusinov I. Pushkin and the world literature. - M.: Sov. pisatel', 1941. - 397 p.

  13. Pamiati Goethe (In Memory of Goethe) //Zven'ia: materials and documents on 19th-century literature, art and social philosophy. - L., 1933. - P. 7-129. Cont.: Weinberg A.L. Goethe's pen in Pushkin's collection.

  14. Pushkin in the context of the world literature: Coll. Pap. - L.: Gosizdat, 1926. - 411 p.

  15. Pushkin and his time: Coll. to 200th anniversary. - M., 1997. - 464 p.

  16. Pushkin and the world literature: Coll. Pap. - L.: Nauka, 1974. - 276 p.

  17. Pushkin and Russian literature: Trans./ P.Stuchka Latvian State University. - Riga, 1986. - 147 p.

  18. Pushkin and modern culture: Coll. Pap. - L.: Nauka, 1996. - 324 p.

  19. Reiman P. Major trends in German literature (1750-1848)/ Trns. from German by O.N.Mikheeva. - M., 1959. - 524 p.

  20. Rozov V.A. Pushkin and Goethe. - Kiev: St. Vladimir Univ.printing press, 1908. - 309 p.

  21. Turaev S.V. Goethe and the development of the concept of the world literature. - M.: Nauka, 1989. - 267 p.

  22. Bielschowsky A. Goethe: Sein Leben and seine Werke. In 2 Bd. Bd. 1. - Munchen: C.H.Back, 1907. - 321 S.

  23. Biermann B. Goethe's world in letters and memoirs. - New York, 1949. - 193 p.

  24. Boerner P. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.- Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964. - 187 S.

  25. Boyd J. Goethe's knowledge of English literature. - Oxford: Clarendon press, 1932. - 311 p.

  26. Boyle N. Goethe: The poet and the age. - Oxford: Clarendon press, 1991. - 807 p.: ill.

  27. Eine Welt schreibt an Goethe: Gesammelte Briefe/ Hrsg. u. Erlauternd von R.C.Goldschmit-Jentner. - Kampen-Sylt: N. Kampann, 1937. - 319 S.

  28. Friedenthal R. Goethe: Sein Leben und seine Zeit. - Munchen: Piper & Co, 1963. - 772 S.

  29. Goethe: Sein Leben in Bildern u. Texten/ Vorw. Von P. Goldammer; Hrsg. von Ch. Michel; Gestaltet von W. Fleckhaus. - 2. Aufl. - Berlin; Weimar: Aufbau-Verl., 1988. - 413 S.

  30. Goethe and the modern age/ The Intern. Convocation at Aspen, Colorado, 1949; Ed. by A. Bergstrausser. - Chicago: Regnery, cop. 1950. - 402 p.

  31. Goethe im XX Jahrhundert. Spiegelungen und Deutungen / Hrsg. von H.Mayer. - Hamburg: Wegner, 1967. - 442 S.

  32. Goethe in vertraulichen Briefen seiner Zeitgenossen: In 3 Bd / Zuges. Von W.Bode; Neu hrsg.von R.Otto u.P.-G.Wenzlaff. - Berlin; Weimar: Aufbau-Verl., 1979. - Bd. 1-3.

  33. Goethe und die Welt der Slawen: Vortr. Des 1. Intern. Konf. Des "Slawenkomitees" im Goethe-Museum, Dussseldorf, 18-22 Sept. 1979 / Hrsg.von H.B.Harder u. H.Rothe. - Giessen: Schmitz, cop.1981. - 302 S. - (Schriften des Komitees des BRD zur Forderung des Slawischen Studien; 4).

  34. Goethe und seine groben Zeitgenossen / Sieben Essays von E.Steiger, A.B.Wachsmuth, H.Lilje [u.a.]; Hrsg.von A.Schaefer. - Munchen: Beck, 1968. - 203 S.

  35. Gronicka A.von. The Russian image of Goethe. Vol.1. Goethe in Russian literature of the first half of the nineteenth century. - Philadelphia: Univ.of Pennsilvania press, 1985. - 304 p.

  36. Rilla P. Goethe in der Literaturgeschichte. - Berlin, 1949. - 88 S.

  37. Rudiger P. Goethe und Europa: Essays u.Aufsatze 1944-1983 / Hrsg.von W.R.Berger u. E.Koppen. - Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 1990. - 331 S. - (Komparatistische Studien; Bd. 14).

  38. Strich F. Goethe und die Weltliteratur. - Bern, 1946. - 408 S.

  39. Russische Faust-Uebersetzungen / Ausgew.von W.Pohl. - Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1967. - 58 S.

  40. Bayley J. Pushkin: A comparative commentary. - Cambridge: Univ.press, 1971. - 369 p.

  41. Briggs A.D.P. Alexander Pushkin: A crit.study. - London: Croom Helm etc., 1983. - 257 p.

  42. Dudek G. Metamorphosen von Mephistopheles und Faust bei Puschkin. - Berlin: Akad.Verl., 1991. - 47 S. - (Sitzungsberichte der Sachsischen Akad.der Wiss.zu Leipzig. Philol.-hist. Kl.; Bd. 131, H.6).

  43. Gofman M., Gofman R. Pouchkine et la Russie. - Paris, 1947. - 199 p.

  44. Hermenau O. Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin. Zum 150 Geburtstage am 6. Juni 1949. - Berlin; Leipzig, 1949. - 120 S.

  45. Juin H. Pouchkine / Pres.par H. Juin; Choix de textes, biblior., dessins, portr., facs. - Paris: P.Seghers, 1956. - 207 p.

  46. Killens J.O. Great Black Russian: A novel on the life and times of Alexander Pushkin / Introd.by A.Gayle. - Detroit: Wayne state univ.press, 1989. - 391 p.

  47. Lavrin J. Pushkin and Russian literature. - London: Hodder Stroughton, 1947. - 226 p.

  48. Lehrmann-Gondolfi G. Pusckin - l'iniziatore della grande letteratura russa. - Varese; La Lucciola, 1959. - 296 p.

  49. Memorial des festivites qui ont lieu a Geneve en 1937 pour celebrer le centenaire de la mort du poete russe Alexander Puchkine. Geneve, 1937.

  50. Alexander Pushkin: A symp.on the 175th anniversary of his birth [held at New York univ.on 16-17 Nov. 1974] /Ed.by A.Kodiak, K.Taranovsky. - New York: Univ.press, 1976. - 220 p. - (New York univ.slavic papers; Vol.1).

  51. Pushkin today /Ed. by D.M.Bethea. - Bloomington; Indianopolis; Indiana univ.press, cp.1993. - IX, 258 p.

  52. Raab H. Die Lyrik Puschkins in Deutschland (1820-1870) - Berlin: Akad. Verl., 1964. - 209 S. - (Deutsche Akad.der Wiss.zu Berlin. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Slawistik; 33)

  53. Wolf A. Einige Worte uber A.S.Puschkin, seine deutschen Ubersetzer und deutschen Kritiker. - Leipzig; St.Petersburg, 1899. - 35 S.


18th-century editions

J.W.Goethe.The Passions of young Werther./ Trns. from German.1781.

  1. Clavigo: tragedy in 5 acts / trns. from German [by O.P.Kozodavlev]. - Spb: at the Military Artillery Engineering School and private Ch.F.Kleen press, 1780. - 87 p.

  2. Clavigo. - 2nd rev. ed.- SPb.: Weitbrechta & Schnor private press, 1780. - 104 p.

  3. The Passions of young Werther. Pts 1-2 / trns. from German [by F.Galchenkov]. - SPb.: at the Imp. Acad.of Sciences, 1781. - 248 p.

  4. Clavigo. - 2nd print. - SPb.: at the Imp. Acad.of Sciences, 1794. - 249 p.

  5. The Passions of young Werther: together with Charlotte's letters to Caroline, written in the days of her acquaintance with Werther. Pts 1-2 Trns.by [F.Galchenkov; Rev.by I.Vinogradov]. - SPb.: F.Meyer printing press, 1796. - 472 p. With sep.pag.

  6. On the occasion of a thunderstorm / [Free trns. by I.I.Dmitriev] //Priatnoe i poleznoe preprovozhdenie vremeni (Pleasant and Useful Recreation). - SPb., 1795. - Pt 8. - P.209-210. - Original title: Grenzen der Menschheit.

  7. Letter to a friend / Trns. by A.Turgenev // Priatnoe i poleznoe preprovozhdenie vremeni. - SPb., 1798. - Pt 19. - P.107-109. - Trns. Werther's letter of 10 May.

  8. The artist and the peasant girl: An Idyll / Trns.in prose by K.F.S.[F.Sibirsky] //Hyppocrena or the pleasures of philology. - SPb., 1800. - Pt 6, N 59. - P.513-521. - Original title: Der Wanderer.


    19th-century editions

    Clavigo: Tragedy by J.W.Goethe./ Trns. from German

  9. Goethe's Works - SPb.: I.Glazunov & Co. Printing press, 1842-1843. - Iss.1, 3.

  10. Wolfgang Goethe's Works translated into Russian: [In 6 vol.] /Ed. by P.Weinberg. - SPb.: N.Tiblena & Co. Printing press, 1865-1871. - Vol.1, 6.

  11. Goethe's Collected Works translated by Russian authors: [In 10 vols] /Ed. by N.V.Gerbel. - SPb.: M.Stasiulevich printing press: V.Bezobrazov printing press, 1878-1880. - Vol. 1, 10.

  12. Common Guilt = Die Mitschuldigen: Comedy in 3 acts / Trns. by E.Repman. - M.: E.G.Potapov printing press, 1889. - 100 p.

  13. German and Dorothea: Poem in 9 cantos / Trns. by F.Arefiev. - M.: S.Selivanovski printing press, 1842. - 155 p.

  14. German and Dorothea: Poem / Trns. by A.Fet //Sovremennik. - SPb., 1856. - Vol. 58, N 7, sect.1. - P.5-56.

  15. Goethe: His life and selected poems. - SPb.: Suvorin, 1887. - 140 p.

  16. Goetz von Berlichingen with the Iron Hand: Tragedy in 5 acts /Trns.by M.Pogodin. - M.:Univ.tip., 1828. - 217 p.

  17. Goetz von Berlichingen, the Knight with the Iron Hand: Tragedy in 5 acts /Pref.by G.Vendt; Trsn.by O.N.Khmeleva. - SP,.: Lederle, 1893. - 154 p.

  18. Goethe's Memoirs. The Poetry and the Truth of My Life. - SP,.: E.Prats printing press, 1851. - 173 p.

  19. The Earthly Fate and Apotheosis of an Artist: Drama in 3 acts /Trns.from German [by A.Strugovshchikov]. - SPb.: Military Schools printing press, 1848. - 26 p.

  20. Iphigenia in Tauris: Tragedy /Trns.by V.Vodovozov; With translator's Pref.and notes. - SPb., 1857. - 84 p.

  21. Clavigo: Tragedy by Goethe /Trns.by F.Koni. - M.: N.Stepanov printing press, 1836. - 114 p.

  22. Clavigo: Drama in 5 acts / Trns. by A.Strugovshchikov. - SPb., 1840. - 60 p.

  23. The Sly Fox: Poem in 12 cantos. An imitation of Goethe's. - M.: Univ. printing press, 1834. - 244 p.

  24. Reinecke the Fox: Poem /Trns.by M.Dostoevsky: Pref.by the translator. - SPb.: L.Demiz printing press, 1861. - 239 p.

  25. The Adventures of Reinecke the Fox / Adapted from German by Ia.Butkovsky; Ill. by V.Kaulbach. - Spb.; Tipolit. G.Pines i I.Tsederbaum lithogr. press, 1883. - 104 p., 24 plates.

  26. Reinecke the Fox: With 27 drawings in text and 7 plates /Adapted [in prose] for children by M.L.Peskovsky. - Spb.; M.: Wolf partnership, 1889. - (Golden Library).

  27. Stella: Drama in 5 acts /Adapted from French by K.A.Tarnovsky and S..Ushakov. - M.: L.Stepanova printing press, 1858. - 259 p.

  28. Wilhelm Meister's School Years: A novel in eight books /Trns.by A.G.Sakharova. - SPb.: Lederle, 1897. - 426 p.

  29. Egmont: Tragedy in 5 acts. - Kiev, Kharkov: Ioganson, 1898. - 150 p. - (German Authors in Russian Translations Library).

  30. Welcome and Parting /Trns.by I.Born //Svitok muz. - SPb., 1802. - B.1. - P.102-103. - Original title: Willkommen und Abschied.

  31. The Fine Night /Trns.by I.Born //Svitok muz. - SPb., 1802. - B.1. - P.91. - Original title: Die schone Nacht.

  32. Parting /Trns.by I.Born //Svitok muz. - SPb., 1802. - B.1. - P.41. - Original title: Der Abschied.

  33. Close by the lover /Trns.by I.Born //Svitok muz. - SPb., 1803. - B.2. - P.24. - Original title: Nahe des Geliebten.

  34. Calling from afar /Trns.by V.Krasovsky //Svitok muz. - SPb., 1803. - B.2. - P.105. - Original title: An die Entfernte.

  35. Epigram /Trns.by [P.P.Beketov] //Drug prosveshchenia. - M., 1804. - Pt 4, Oct, - P.31. Original title: Entschuldigung.

  36. The chainlet //Derzhavin G.R. Works - SPb., 1808. - Pt 3. - P.180. - Original title: Mit einem goldenen Halskettchen.

  37. My Goddess / [Free trns. by] V.Zh. [V.A.Zhukovsky] //Vestn.Evropy. - M., 1809. - Pt 47, N 17. - P.31-36. - Original title: Meine Gottin.

  38. Eri and Beteli: One-act opera. / Free trns. by V.Kozlov //Zhurn.dramaticheskii. - M., 1811. - Pt 3, N 9. - P.3-44.

  39. Hope /Trns.by A.V. [Free trns. by A.Kh.Vostokov]// S.-Peterb.vestn. - 1812. - Pt 1, N 3. - P.286. - Original title: Hoffnung.

  40. The Moth /[Free trns. by] V.A.Zhukovsky // Ros.muzeum. - M., 1815. - Pt 2, N 4. - P.11. - Original title: Die Freuden.

  41. The Songster / Free trns. by P.Arapov //Dukh zhurnalov. - SPb., 1816. - Pt 15, B.46. - P.445-446. - Original title: Der Sanger.

  42. Sheppard's Complaint / [Trns. by V. Zhukovsky] // Dlia nemnogikh. - SPb., 1818. - N 1. - P.16-19. - Original title: Schafers Klagelied.

  43. To the Moon / Trns. by V. Zhukovsky // Dlia nemnogikh. - SPb., 1818. - N 2. - P.28-33. - Original title: An den Mond.

  44. The Wood King / [Trns. by V. Zhukovsky] // Dlia nemnogikh. - SPb., 1818. - N 4. - P.20-23. - Original title: Erlkonig.

  45. Minna / [Trns. by V. Zhukovsky] // Dlia nemnogikh. - SPb., 1818. - N 1. - P.26-29. - Original title: Mignon.

  46. New love - new life / [Trns. by V. Zhukovsky] // Dlia nemnogikh. - SPb., 1818. - N 2. - P.18-21. - Original title: Neue Liebe, neues Leben.

  47. The Fisherman / [Trns.by] P.Loboikov //Sorevnovatel' prosveshchenia i blagotvorenia. - SPb., 1818. - Pt 2, N 5. - P.219-220. - Original title: Der Fischer.

  48. Welcome and Parting /Trns.by N.Rozenmeier // Sorevnovatel' prosveshchenia i blagotvorenia. - SPb., 1818. - Pt 3, N 8. - P.240-241. - Original title: Willkommen und Abschied.

  49. Happy Voyage. (An imitation of Goethe's) /[Trns.by] V.I.Tumansky //Blagonamerennyu. - SPb., 1818. Pt 2, N 6. - P.278-279. - Original title: Gluckliche Fahrt.

  50. Consolation in Tears / [Trns. by V. Zhukovsky] // Dlia nemnogikh. - SPb., 1818. - N 1. - P.12-15. - Original title: Trost in Tranen.

  51. The Cornflower /[Free trns. by] P.Loboikov //Sorevnovatel' prosveshchenia i blagotvorenia. - SPb., 1819. - Pt 5, B. 2. - P.365-366. - Original title: Das Veilchen.

  52. The Artist's Apotheosis // Venevitinov D.V. Works. - M., 1829. - P.102-116.

  53. The Artists's Earthly Fate // Venevitinov D.V. Works. - M., 1829. - P.95-101.

  54. Fragment from Goethe's Iphigenia /Trns.by M.Likhonin //Syn otechestva. - SPb., 1829. - Vol.5, Pt 127, N 27, sect.4. - P.51-55.

  55. Scenes from Egmont // Venevitinov D.V. Works. - M., 1831. - Pt 2. - P.95-120.

  56. Brother and Sister: One-act play / Trns. by A.Strugovshchikov // Syn otechestva. - SPb., 1835. - Vol.49, Pt 171, , sect.1. - P.65-91.

  57. Gods, Heroes and Wieland / Trns. by A.Strugovshchikov // Otech.zapiski. - SPb., 1839. - Vol.2, N 2, sect.3. - P.143-162.

  58. Prometheus /Trns. by A.Strugovshchikov //Utrennia zaria: Alm. - SPb., 1839. - P.283-308.

  59. Scene from "Torquato Tasso" / Trns. by A.Strugovshchikov // Pantheon rus.i vsekh evr.teatrov. - SPb., 1840. - N 3. - P.101-102.

  60. Lila /Trns. by G.Leontiev // Pantheon rus.i vsekh evr.teatrov. - SPb., 1841. - N 3. - P.22-37.

  61. Marianna: A novel adapt. from Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister" // Otech.zapiski. - SPb., 1843. - Vol.29, N 8, sect.1. - P.177-228.

  62. Torquato Tasso: Drama /Trns.by A.Iakhontov // Otech.zapiski. - SPb., 1844. - Vol.35, sect.1. - P.133-188.

  63. Elpenor and Antiopa: Scene / Trns. by A.Strugovshchikov // Otech.zapiski. - SPb., 1845. - Vol.39, sect.1. - P.1-10.

  64. From the tragedy "Iphigenia in Tauris" /Trns.by F.Miller// Moskvitianin. - M., 1846. - Pt 3, N 5, sect.1. - P.33-39.

  65. Ottilia = Die Wahlverwandschaften: A Novel by Goethe /Trns. by [A.I.Kroneberg] // Sovremennik. - SPb., 1847. - Vol.4, N 7, sect.1. - P.5-108; N 8, sect.1. - P.298-405.

  66. Wilhelm Meister: School Years /Trns.by A.A.Grigoriev and L.A.Mey // Moskvitianin. - M., 1852. - Vol.1, N 1/3, sect.2. - P.1-36; Vol.6, N 21/23. Sect.2. - P.1-102.

  67. Iphigenia in Tauris: Tragedy in 5 acts /Trns.by A.Iakhontov // Svetoch. - SPb., 1860. - N 6. - P.1-108.

  68. Egmont: : Tragedy in 5 acts /Trns.by N.Amalyshev //Malyshev N.A. Dramatic Translations. - M., 1874. - Vol.1. - P.148-210. (And other poems in multiple translations published in periodicals at later dates).


    "Faust". 19th-century editions.

    Goethe's cottage in Weimar.Zhukovsky V.A. 1826-1827. The Manuscript Department Collections.

  69. Fragment from Goethe: [From the " Theatre Prologue" / Free trns.by A.S.Griboedov // Poliarnaia zvezda: Pocketbook for 1825. - SPb., 1825. - P.306-312.

  70. Faust /Trns.by E.Guber, with his pref. and notes. - SPb.: A.Pluchard printing press, 1838. - XXXIV, 248 p.

  71. Faust /Trns. of Part One and exposition of Part 2 by M.Vronchenko. - SPb.: Fisher printing press, 1844. - 432 p.

  72. Faust. Pt 2. In 5 acts /Free Russian exposition by A.Ovchinnikov. - Riga:. Muller printing press, 1851. - 340 p.

  73. Faust. Pt 1 / Trns. by A.Strugovshchikov. - SPb., 1856. - 150 p.

  74. Faust. Pt 1 / Trns. by N.Grekov. - SPb.: I.I.Glazunov printing press, 1859. - 152 p.

  75. Faust. The two prologues and first 15 scenes / Trns. by I.Pavlov. - M.: V.Isleniev printing press, 1875. - 93 p.

  76. Faust. Pt 1 / Trns.by P.Trunin. - M.: N.Gerbek printing press. - 336 p.

  77. Faust. Pt 1 / Trns.by A.Fet. - M.: A.Gatzuk printing press, 1882. - 320 p.

  78. Faust. Pt 2 / Trns., pref. and notes by A.Fet. - M.: A.Gatzuk printing press, 1883. - LXIII, 439 p.

  79. Faust. Pt 2 / Trns.by T.Anosova. - Zhitomir: S.I.Sokolov printing press, 1883. - 368 p.

  80. Faust. Pt 1 / Trns.by N.E.Wrangel. - SPb: Suvorin printing press, 1889. - 203 p.

  81. Faust / Trns.by N.Golovanov. - M.: Kartsev, 1889. - 214 p.

  82. Faust. Pts 1-2 / Trns.by A.Fet; Ill.by Seibertz. - SPb.: Marx, 1889. - 391 p. With sep.pag.: ill.

  83. Faust: Dramatic poem. Pt 1 /Trns. [and pref.] by N.Kholodkovsky. - Rev.ed. - SPb.: Suvorin, 1890. - 252 p.

  84. Faust. Pt 1 /Trns.by N.Makletsova. - Saratov: prov.zemstvo printing press, 1897. - 166 p.

  85. Faust: Tragedy. Pt 1: With auth.portr.and extr.from notes by Kuno Fischer, Carrier and Duntzer /Trns.by A.I.Mamontov. - M.: Mamontov printing press, 1897. - 345 p.

  86. Faust /Trns.by D.N.Tsertelev. - M.: V.Chicherin lithogr. press, 1899. - 203 p.


    School Library (published for class and home reading).
    19th-century editions

  87. Goethe's Works. [In 3 iss.] /[Trns.by I.P.Bogarov]. - SPb., 1842-1843. - Iss.1, 3.

  88. Goethe's Collected Works translated by Russian authors /Ed.by I.V.Gerbert: [In 10 vols]. - SPb., 1878-1880. - Vols 1, 10.

  89. Goethe's Collected Works translated by Russian authors: [In 8 vols] /Ed.by P.Weiberg:. - SPb., 1892-1895. - Vols 1, 8.

  90. German and Dorothea /Text with introd.and vocab., commented by M.Fisher. - SPb., 1898. - 112 p.

  91. German and Dorothea: With comment.notes and vocabulary, for use in boys' and girls' secondary schools /Comp. by Ia.Welm. - M.: M.V.Dumnov, successor to Salaev Bros, 1889. - 139 p.

  92. Iphigenia in Tauris /Trns. (in verse) by A.N.Iakhontov. - SPb.: Tip.i lit. A.E.Landau print. & lith. press, 1874. - 143 p. - (Europ. Classics in Rus.trns. for schoolchildren; Iss.1).

  93. Reinecke the Fox: Goethe's poems adapt.in verse for children. - SPb.: Wolf, 1864. - 32 p., [8] col.plates.

  94. Egmont. - SPb.: F.K.Anderson, 1894. - 145 p. - (Select. German authors for school, with introd., notes and vocabulary by F.K.Anderson).

  95. Egmont. Text with introd., notes and vocabulary /Comment. by E.A.Leve. - 2nd rev.ed. - SP., 1898. - 144 p. - (Select. works of German and French authors for class and home reading).

  96. Selected poems of Goethe and Schiller with detailed comments for use in the 7th form of gymnasia and corresponding forms of other secondary schools /Comp.by A.D.Mess. - Riga, 1883. - 103 p.


    20th-century editions

    J.W.Goethe's autograph. The Manuscript Department Collections

  97. Collected Works: In 13 vol. /General ed. by A.V.Lunacharsky, M.N.Rozanova. - Jubilee ed. - M., L.: Gos.izd-vo khud.lit., 1932-1949. - Vols 1, 13.

  98. Collected Works: In 10 vol. / Trns.from German by B.Pasternak; Gen.ed.by A.Anikst and N.Vilmont. - M., 1976-1980. - Vol.1, 10.

  99. Selected lyrics /Ed.by A.Gabrichevsky and S.Shervinsky, M.; L., 1933. - 382 p.

  100. Selected Works /Comp.and comment.by N.N.Vilmont. - M., 1950. - 763 p.

  101. Selected Works (Trns.) /Comp.and pref.by B.P.Mitskevich. - Minsk, 1977. - 479 p.

  102. Selected Works: In 2 vols: Trns.from German /Introd. By N.Vilmont. - M., 1985. - 2 vols.

  103. Selected writings on natural sciences /Trns.and comment.by I.I.Kanaev. - M., 1957. - 533 p.

  104. Selected poems /Select.,comment.and vocab.by S.Zeidler. - M., 1940. - 168 p. - (Foreign language manuals. German)

  105. Selected poems; German and Dorothea: Poem: Trns.from German /Comp.by O.Lodovetskaia. - M., 1982. - 392 p.: ill.

  106. Selected poetry and prose: Trns.from German /Comp., introd.and comment.by L.I.Malchukov. - Petrozavodsk, 1987. - 334 p.: ill.

  107. Selected philosophical writings /Introd.and comments by G.A.Kursanov. - M., 1964. - 520 p.

  108. Wilhelm Meister's School Years: A novel / Trns.from German by S.G.Zaimovski. - Perm, 1959. - 547 p.

  109. The East-West Divan. (Trns.) /Prep.by I.S.Braginski, A.V.Mikhailov. - M., 1988. - 894 p.

  110. Lyrics : Trans. by Russian poets /Ed.and introd.by B.V.Gimmelfarb. - M.;L., 1931. - 127 p.

  111. Lyrics /Trns.by S.Shervinsky. - M., 1932. - 48 p.

  112. Lyrics /Trns.from German, comp., pref. and notes by N.Vilmont. - M., 1966. - 183 p.

  113. Lyrics : Trns.from German /Introd. And notes by N.Vilmont. - Khabarovsk, 1981. - 157 p.: ill.

  114. Lyrics : (Trns.). - Kuibyshev, 1982. - 239 p.: ill.

  115. Lyrics ; Poems and fragments from Faust /Pref. and comments by V.Rikhter. - Yaroslav, 1982. - 367 p.: ill.

  116. Lyrics : (Trns.from German)/ Comp.by K.G.Chernyi. - Stavropol, 1985. - 286 p.: ill.

  117. Lyrics : Trns.from German. M.: Terra, 1997. - 645 p.: ill.

  118. On Love: Lyrics: (Trns.). - M., 1980. - 366 p.: ill.

  119. On Rembrandt. - M.,L., 1936. - 193 p.

  120. On Art: Coll. /Comp., introd.and notes by A.V.Gulyga. - M., 1975. - 623 p.

  121. Correspondence (1794 - 1805). In 2 vols /Introd.by G.Lukach; Trns.by A.G.Gornfeld and I.G.Smidovich. - M.,L.: Academia, 1937. - 2 vols.

  122. Correspondence: In 2 vols / Trns.from German and comment. by I.E.Babanov; Introd. by A.A.Anikst. - M., 1988. - (History of Aesthetics in monuments and documents). - 2 vols.

  123. Poetry and Truth. From My Life /Select.and comments by G.Shnitke. - M., 1950. - 160 p. - (German Authors Library).

  124. Poetry and Truth. From My Life / Trns.from German by I.Man; Introd. and comments by N.Vilmont. - M., 1969. - 606 p.

  125. Reinecke the Fox. Poem /Narrated from German by L.Penkovski; Notes by L.Lozinskaia. - M., 1984. - 192 p.: ill.

  126. Reinecke the Fox. Poem: (For secondary school) / Narrated from German by L.Penkovski. - M., 1991. - 93 p.: ill.

  127. Reinecke the Fox. Poem: (For the secondary school) /Narrated from German by L.Penkovski; Afterword and comments by A.Zavadie. - M., 1991. - 93 p.: ill.

  128. Essays and reflections on art: Coll.papers /Ed.by A.S.Gushchin. - L.,M.: Iskusstvo, 1936. - 410 p.

  129. Poems: trns.from German. /Introd, by L.Ginzburg; Notes by A.Anikst). - M., 1979. - 328 p.: ill.

  130. Poems; The Passions of young Werther / Trns.from German by N.Kasatkina; Introd.by I.Lirinski. - M., 1957. - 300 p., 6 plates.

  131. Poems; The Passions of young Werther; Egmont; Faust /Pref.by M.Shaginian; Afterword by S.Turaev. - M., 1973. - 397 p.: ill.

  132. Mysteries = Die geheimnisse; A Tale = Das Marchen; On Goethe = Uber Goethe: Trns.from German /R.Steiner. - M.: Enigma, 1996. - 249 p.

  133. Wilhelm Meister's Theatrical Calling /Prep.by I.E.Volgina, I.A.Zhirmunskaia, Trns.by E.I.Volgina. - L., 1981. - 296 p.: ill. - (Literary Monuments).

  134. Torquato Tasso /Trns.by V.A.Sorgenfrey; Introd.and comments by V.G.Admoni. - L.: Khudozh.lit., 1935. - 190 p.: ill.


    "Faust". 20th-century editions

  135. Faust: Tragedy. Pts 1-2 /Trns.by A.Fet. - SPb., 1901. - 822 p.

  136. Faust: Tragedy /Trns.and interpr. (with pref.) by A.L.Sokolovsky. - SPb., 1902. - 362 p.: ill.

  137. Faust: Tragedy Pts 1-2 /Trns.in prose by P.Weinberg; With translator's notes. - SPb, 1904. - 468 p.

  138. Faust: In 2 vols. - Pg., 1914. - 2 vols.

  139. Faust: Tragedy. Pts 1-2 /Trns.by N.A.Kholodkovsky; Ed.by M.L.Lozinsky; Pref.by V.M.Zhirmunsky. - Pb.,M., 1922. - 2 vols.

  140. Faust /Trns.by V.Briusov; Ed. and comment. by A.V.Lunacharsky and A.G.Gabrichevsky. - M.,L., 1928. - 348 p.

  141. Faust. Pt 1. /Trns.by V.Briusov; Introd.by P.S.Kagan and A.G.Gabrichevsky. - M.,L., 1932. - 221 p.

  142. Faust. Pts 1-2 /Trns.from German by N.A.Kholodkovsky; Ed.by M.L.Lozinsky; Pref.and comments by Iu.A.Spassky. - 1936. - 2 vols.

  143. Faust. Pt 1 /Trns. from German by N.A.Kholodkovsky, rev. by M.L.Lozinsky. - M., 1939. - 224 p.

  144. Faust /Trns. from German by B.Pasternak; Introd.and notes by N.Vilmont. - M., 1969. - 510 p., 13 plates.

  145. Faust /Trns. from German by N.A.Kholodkovsky; Afterword by T.M.Ludeiko. - Minsk, 1971. - 286 p.: ill.

  146. Faust: Tragedy /Trns. from German by B.Pasternak. - Perm, 1981. - 462 p.: ill. - (Junior Library).

  147. Faust: Tragedy /Trns. from German by B.Pasternak; Comments by A.A.Anikst. - M., 1983. - 470 p.: ill.

  148. Faust; Lyrics /Trns. from German, and introd.and comments by A.V.Mikhailov, M., 1986. - 767 p.

  149. Faust:. Tragedy: Trns. from German. - M., 1993. - 279 p.


    School Library
    (published for class and home reading). 20th-century editions

  150. Selected Works: Trns. from German /Ed.and introd.by A.Deich. - M.;L., 1950. - 480 p. (Secondary School Library).

  151. Selections /Comp., introd.and comments by S.Turaev. - M., 1963. - 512 p. - (Secondary School Library).

  152. Selections: In 2 vols /Comp., introd.and comments by A.Anikst. - M., 1985. - (School Library) 2 vols.

  153. Selections: Trns. from German /Comp., introd.and comments by V.A.Pronin. - M., 1988. - 254 p.: ill. - (Secondary School Library).

  154. Selections: (Trns. from German) /Comp. by N.K.Sagan'. - Donetsk, 1989. - 158 p. - (School Library).

  155. Ballads: For 9th-10th forms of secondary school /Comments by K.L.Maleshko; Word explanations and dictionary by A.K.Cherniak. - M., 1936. - 77 p.

  156. Lyrcs: Trns. from German: (For high school) /Comp., pref. and comments by S.Turaev. - M., 1978. - 190 p.: ill. - (School Poetry Library).

  157. May Song; Meeting and Parting: Poems: Trns. /Introd.by I.V.Genina. - Donetsk, 1982. - 71 p. - (School Library).

  158. Poems; The Passions of young Werther; Faust /Comments, references and guide by E.E.Dmitrieva. - M., 1997. - 765 p. - (School Classics: Pupil's and Teacher's Book).

  159. Faust /Trns. from German by N.Kholodkovsky; Introd.and notes by S.Turaev. - M., 1977. - 352 p. - (Secondary School Library).

  160. Faust Faust /Trns. by N.Kholodkovsky. - Ordzhonikidze, 1979. - 304 p. - (School Library).


Life editions

A.S.Pushkin. Der Trauerquell /German trns. from Russian. 1826.

  1. Der Berggefangene /Aus dem Russ. ubers. [von A.Wulfert]. - SPb.: Buchdruckerei der besonderen Kanzellei des Ministerium des Innern, 1823. - 32, VII S.

  2. Der Berggefangene /Aus dem Russ. ubers. [mit russ.txt.] - SPb.: Buchdruckerei der besonderen Kanzellei des Ministerium des Innern, 1824. - 64 S.

  3. Der Trauerquell /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von A.Wulfert. - SPb.: Buchdruckerei der besonderen Kanzellei des Ministerium des Innern, 1826. - 52 S.

  4. Goring E. Metrische Ubersetzungen aus dem Russischen. - M., 1833. - 37 S. - Trns. of the first two cantos from "Ruslan and Ludmila".

  5. Boris Godunow. - Reval, 1831. - 92 S. - (Von Knorring Russ. Bibl. Fur Deutsch).


    19th-century editions

    A.S.Pushkin.Boris Godunow. - Reval, 1831./ German trns. from Russian.

  6. Alexander Puschkin's Dichtungen /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von R.Lippert. - Leipzig: W.Engelmann, 1840. - 2 Bd.

  7. Gedichte /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von E.von Olberg. - Berlin: G.Gropius, 1840. - 228 S.

  8. Geschichte des Pugatschew'schen Aufruhres /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von H.Brandeis. - Stuttgart, 1840. - 258 S.

  9. Novellen. Bd.1 /Fur das Deutsche bearb.von Trobst u. D.Sabinin. - Jena: C.Hochhausen, 1840. - 202 S.

  10. Die Hauptmannstochter: Novelle aus dem Zeiten des Pugatscheff'schen Emporung /Aus dem Russ. ubers.u.mit erlauternden Anmerk.versehen von Dr. Trobst. - Jena, 1848. - 232 S.

  11. Boris Godunoff: Ein geschichtlichen Drama /Aus dem Russ. ubers. - Leipzig: F.A.Brockhaus, 1853. - 93 S.

  12. Poetische Werke /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von F.Bodenstedt. - Berlin: Verl.der Deckerschen Geheimen Ober-Hofbuchdruckerei, 1854. - 3 Bd.

  13. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der poetischen und wissenschaftlichen Literatur Russlands / Von R.Minzloff. - Berlin: E.S.Mittler u. Sohn, 1854. - 254 S. - Cont.: Gypsy Folk; The Prisoner; Raven calling to raven; Songs of Georgia: Trns. in verse. - P.21-42.

  14. Dichtungen von A.Puschkin unf M.Lermontoff / Deutsch von Th.Opitz. - Berlin: A.Hoffmann u. C-ie, 1859. - 179 S.

  15. Puschkin's Dichtungen / Deutsch von F.Love. - Hildburghausen: Verl.des Bibliogr. Instituts, 1869. - 137 S. - (Bibl.auslandischer Klassiker; Bd.107).

  16. Eugen Onegin: Roman in Versen / Ins Deutsch ubers.von Dr. Blumenthal. - M.: E.Liessner, 1878. - 139 S.

  17. Die Hauptmannstochter /Deutsch von W.Lange. - Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1881. - 170 S.

  18. Boris Godunow: Dramatisches Gedicht /Ubers.von F.Fiedler. - Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1886. - 68 S.

  19. Der eherne Reiter: Eine Petersburger Erzahlung /Deutsch von A.Lupus [Pseud.]; Vorw.u. Nachw.des Ubersetzer. - Leipzig; SPb: Ricker, 1898. - 127 S.


    20th-century editions

    A.S.Pushkin. Der Stationsvorsteher. /German trns. from Russian.1937.

  20. Samtliche Romane und Erzahlungen: In 2 Bd. Bd.1 /Deutsch von F.Frisch. - Munchen: Buchenau & Keichert-Verl., 1924. - 386 S.

  21. Ausgewalte Werke /Hrsg.u.aus dem Russ. ubers.von J.von Guenther. - Berlin; Aufbau-Verl., 1949. - 270 S.

  22. Ausgewalte Werke: In 4 Bd. /Hrsg.u.aus dem Russ. ubers.von J.von Guenther. - Berlin; Aufbau-Verl., 1952. - Bd. 1, 4.

  23. Gesammelte werke: In 6 Bd. (Hrsg.von H.Raab. - Berlin; Weimar: Aufbau-Verl., 1964 - 1968. - Bd. 1, 6.

  24. Graf Nulin /Die Ubers.von W.E.Groeger; Ill.von F.Sacharoff. - Berlin: Neva, 1922. - 32 S.

  25. Mozart und Salieri / Aus dem Russ. ubers.von R.von Walter. - Berlin: Skithen, 1922. - 22 S.

  26. Der eherne Reiter: Ein episches Gedicht /Ubers.von W.E.Groeger; Ill.von W.N.Masjutin. - Berlin: Neva, 1922. - 45 S.

  27. Die Fontane von Baktschi-Sarai: Ein episches Gedicht /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von W.E.Groeger; Die Bilder … zeichn. W.N.Masjutin. - Berlin: Neva, 1923. - 59 S.: Ill.

  28. Erzahlungen /Ubers.von A.Luther, S.von Radecki, R.von Walter. - Dessau: K.Rauch, [19-?]. - 478 S.

  29. Gedichte: Zweisprachig /Hrsg.von B.von Heiseler; Deutsch von H.von Heiseler. - Leipzig: K.Rauch, 1946. - 78 S.

  30. Volk u.Buch Verl., 1946. - 132 S., 7 S. Ill.

  31. Die Hauptmannstochter /Deutsch von J.von Guenther. - Berlin: Aufbau, 1947. - 168 S.: Ill.

  32. Pique-Dame: Erzahlung /Ubers.von J.von Guenther. - Potsdam: Rutten & Loening, 1947. 68 S.

  33. Pique-Dame: Novelle /Ubers.von R.Kassner. - Leipzig: Insel-Verl., 1947. - 42 S. - (Insel-Bucherei; 314).

  34. Gedichte: In Auswahl /Mit einer Einl.u.dt. Anm.vers.von J.Forssman. - Weimar: H.Bohlaus Nachf., 1947. - 128 S. - (Studien Bucherei; H. 1).

  35. Dubrowsky: Erzahlungen /Aut. Ubers.aus dem Russ. von B.Gordt. - Neudurchges, 1947. - 96 S.

  36. Die Erzahlungen Bjelkins / Ill. zum Text u. Zwischentiteln von D.A.Schmarinov. - Berlin: SWA-Verl., 1947. - 142 S.

  37. Der Gefangene in Kaukasus /Frei nach dem Russ.von Aseubert. - Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1948. - 40 S.

  38. Die Hauptmannstochter: Erzahlung /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von A.Boettcher. - Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1949. - 184 S.

  39. Boris Godunow: Dramatisches Gedicht /Ubers.von F.Fiedler; Mit einem Nachw.von J.Forssman. - Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1949. - 72 S.

  40. Dubrowsky: Eine Novelle /Ill.von C.Schwendrat. - Berlin: Aufbau-Verl., 1951. - 120 S.

  41. Dubrowskij: Erzahlungen /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von J. Guenther von. - Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1951. - 112 S.

  42. Eugen Onegin: Roman in Versen /Aus dem Russ. ubers.von J. Guenther von; Nachw.u. Anm.von H.-G.Kupferschmidt. - Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1953. - 243 S.

  43. Leipzig: Ph. Reclam jun., 1951. - 112 S.

  44. Dubrowskij; Die Hauptmannstochter / Ubers.aus dem Russ. von J. Guenther von. - Berlin: Aufbau-Verl., 1954. - 275 S. - (Deutsche Volksbild.).

  45. Marchen /Ill.von W.M.Konaschewitsch. - M.: Progress, 1974. - 136 S.

  46. Evgenij Onegin: Roman in Versen /Prosaubers.von M.Braun; Hrsg.von V.Blok u.W.Kroll. - Gottingen: Seminar fur slawische Philologie der Georg-August-Univ., 1994. - 191 S. - (Der Blaue Turm; 14). - parallel Russian/German text.

  47. The Bronze Rider = Der eherne Reiter: Petersb. Tale: [in verse] /Germ. trns.by R.D.Kail; [ill.by V. & T. Skrodenic]. - SPb: Novyi gorod, 1995. - 48 p.: cil.ill. - Parall. Russian/German text.


    Books published in the Volga German Republic

  48. Dubrowsky /Gek.u.mit Anm.vers.von H.Walden. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1935. - 80 S.

  49. Boris Godunow: Drama. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1937. - 85 S. - (Kleine Puschkin Bibl.; N 1).

  50. Die Hauptmannstochter. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1937. - 168 S. - (Kleine Puschkin Bibl.; N 2).

  51. Lyrik /Nach ubers.von Bodenstedt, Ascharin, Fiedler u.a. - Engels: Staatsverl. der ASSRsWD, 1937. - 68 S. - (Kleine Puschkin Bibl.; N 5).

  52. Marchen. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1937. - 84 S. - (Kleine Puschkin Bibl.; N 3).

  53. Boris Godunow. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1938. - 86 S. - 15 S. Ill.

  54. Der Gefangene in Kaukasus /Deutsch von A.Ascharin. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1938. - 32 S: Ill.

  55. Die Hauptmannstochter. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1938. - 180 S.: Ill.

  56. Eugen Onegin: Roman in Versen /Ubers.von T.Commichau. - Engels: Staatsverl. der ASSRsWD, 1938. - 176 S. - (Kleine Puschkin Bibl.; N 8).

  57. Dubrowsky: Novelle. - Engels: Deutscher Staatsverl., 1938. - 72 S.


J.W.Goethe's autograph. The Manuscript Department Collections

  1. Goethe J.W. Werther: Novel. Translated from German by A.I.Turgenev and A.F.Merzliakov. 1799.

  2. Zhukovsky V.A. A Book of autographs of various persons. 1819-1833. (Goethe's autograph).

  3. Zhukovsky V.A. A Travel Book. 1826-1827. (Goethe's cottage and garden in Weimar).

  4. Goethe J.W. Torquato Tasso: Drama. Translated from German by V.G.Benediktov. 1850s.

  5. Rozhdestvensky V.A. A book of translated J.W.Goethe's poems. 1927-1928.

  6. J.W.Goethe's autograph.(Requests for books of 3 June 1819 - Goethe requesting a new biography of Vasco da Gama, a biography of Camoens and his "Louisiada").

Compiled by N.I.Beliaeva and D.G.Korolev.
Edited by S.N.Kotlomanova.

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